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Located at Baptist Vista Campgrounds, north of Ozark

1522 Shores Lake Rd, Ozark, AR 72949.

Your youth will experience an anointed worship service each evening, followed by an on fire for God preacher, Pastor David Willis. Teens can expect caring camp counselors, good food, and daytime fun and games. There will be morning and evening devotionals within each cabin daily, along with midday services led by Pastor Roger Nichols and a group of anointed ministers. 

Open to youth ages 10 - 18 years old.

Cost is $130 per participant. The cost covers breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the cafeteria, along with their lodging for the week and a camp t-shirt.

What to Bring to Camp 

-Pen & Pencil
-Notepad (optional)
-Spending Money/Offering (There is a concession stand that is open daily)
-Church Clothes
-Sporting/Athletic Clothes – Closed-toe shoes are recommended for activities.
-Swimsuit (See Dress Code)
-Bedding - Sleeping bag/Quilt/Comforter/Blankets and pillows
-Bed Sheets (Twin Size)
-Toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, etc……)
-Bug Repellent Spray or Bug Repellent Bracelets
-Towels for the week- An extra swim towel or two would be useful as well
-A good attitude (Rudeness, foul language, and bullying will not be tolerated.)
-Electronics are allowed but are to only be used during personal time. If they are
used during activities or services, they will be taken up and given back at the end of
-Medications must be brought in their original containers and turned into their assigned camp counselor



David Willis

Church Camp Directors

David Willis and Roger Nichols


Camp Facility Director

Jim Gabbard


Roger Nichols

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